Academic Search Premier
Large interdisciplinary article database with access to more than 4.600 journals, many in full text.
Access to Academic Search Premier
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address. -
AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine Database) is an alternative medical data with regard to approx. Contains 600 journals (dating back to 1995) in alternative treatment incl. complementary medicine, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, occupational therapy, palliative care, foot care, etc. Contains some qualitative studies. Many of the journals are indexed in AMED, is not available through other databases. It's primarily English-language articles concerning european conditions.
Access to AMED
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Contact: Tine Furbo Lind, tifl@via.dk
Annexes and appendixes
Danish standards
Danish standard
Catalogue for Danish standards.Danish Standard - Annexes
Current Danish and national annexes and appendixes to Eurocodes.DS Distribute
Access to 300-400 standards and Eurocodes online. Only access at Campus Horsens, Campus Holstebro and Campus Aarhus C for 25 users at the same time. -
Online access to SBI-guidelines. Only a few guidelines are translated to english.
Login at edu.anvisninger.dk
Create an account first time you visit the site.
Enter your study email (xxxxxx@via.dk), name, education and completion date, you will then receive a verification code. -
APA PsycINFO is a database covering psychology, and the psychological aspects of related fields such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, anthropology and economy. Journal coverage, which spans the 1887 to the present, includes international material selected from 2,500 periodicals and you are searching in 4 million bibliographic records. 99% of the articles are peer-reviewed. APA PsycINFO contains citations and abstracts of journal articles, book chapters, technical reports and dissertations.
Access to APA PsycINFO
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Contact: Maria Viftrup Schneider, msch@via.dk
Best Evidence Encyclopedia
The purpose of Best Evidence Encyclopedia is to give lecturers and researchers useful information on the evidence behind a broad range of programmes for children and adolescents in pre-school to upper-secondary education programmes (ages 4 to 19).
Best Evidence Encyclopedia provides summaries of scientific reviews, meta-analyses and other quantitative syntheses om e.g. the effect of different education programmes.
Best Evidence Encyclopedia is part of Johns Hopkins University, School of Education's Center for Data-Driven Reform in Education (CDDRE), established as an alternative to What Works Clearinghouse. The encyclopedia is financed by Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
National database with materials from Danish research and public libraries.
Access to bibliotek.dkContact: Signe Nielsen, sini@via.dk
Bloomsbury Design Library
Bloomsbury Design Library provides access to a range of reference works covering history, theory and practice of crafts and design, from prehistoric times to the present day.
Contents include: Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design, World History of Design, Encyclopedia of Asian Design, museum collection images, exhibition archives, Timeline of the History of Design, and much more.
Students are allowed to use the contents of the database in study projects.
Access to Bloomsbury Design Library
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Guide: Bloomsbury Design Librarys help functionality
Contact: Stine Godsk Skyum, stgs@via.dk
Bloomsbury Fashion Central
Bloomsbury Fashion Central provides access to the two databases Fairchild Books Library and Fashion Photography Archive.
Fairchild Books Library contains approximately 150 full-text e-books about fashion. Topics include construction, draping, fashion business management, history, illustration, journalism, marketing, promotion, pattern making, styling, product development, sustainable fashion, textiles, and more.
Fashion Photography Archive contains more than 750,000 images featuring forty years of contemporary fashion history. Furthermore, the archive provides access to a number of videos, biographies, and articles, covering topics like fashion cities, catwalk shows, textiles, etc.
Students are allowed to use the contents of the database in study projects.
Access to Bloomsbury Fashion Central
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Guide: Bloomsbury Fashion Centrals guide
Contact: Stine Godsk Skuym, stgs@via.dk
Build research
BUILD provides research-based knowledge and tools for the building industry. They do this with IT tools, guidelines, reports, courses and conferences.
Business Source Premier
Business Source Premier is one of the industry's most widely used research databases that provides full text access to more than 2,500 journals, including full text of more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. This database covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Contains articles from journals such as Harvard Business Review, The Economist and Newsweek. In addition to articles, the database also contains SWOT analysis, company and industry profiles. The database is updated daily.
Access to Business Source Premier
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Contact: Stine Godsk Skyum, stgs@via.dk
Experiences from the building practice.
Access to BYG-ERFA
Access for students and employees at Campus Horsens, Campus Holstebro, Campus Randers and Campus Aarhus C. Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address. -
Byggedata provides a comprehensive entry to laws and regulations within construction, also called Molio. The website also contains the Handbook for energy consultants, the Building Regulations and other announcements.
Access to Byggedata
Access from Campus Horsens, Campus Holstebro, Campus Randers and Campus Aarhus C. 25 simultaneous users. -
The building regulations specify the requirements of the Building Act and contain the more detailed requirements that all construction work must meet. The requirements in the building regulations must ensure that a building is carried out and arranged so that it is satisfactory in terms of both fire, safety and health. .
Free access to the building regulations
Free access to previous building regulations -
Center for Kliniske Retningslinjer - Nationalt Clearinghouse for Sygepleje
Purpose of National Clearinghouse in Nursing
- To assess the quality of clinical guidelines
- To establish and maintain a database of approved clinical guidelines
- To be a part of a national and international collaborations about the development of clinical guidelines
- To point at possible areas for research
- To initiate research activities at national and international level
- To be a part of educational activities and to communicate knowledge
Centre for reading research
The Centre for Reading Research was established in 1998 on a grant from the Ministry of Research and with support from the Faculty of the Humanities at the University of Copenhagen. The purpose of the center is to contribute to research into learning and learning processes for the purpose of reading
CINAHL Complete
CINAHL Complete (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature) contains more than 7 million articles, books, dissertations and proceedings for more than 5,600 journals covering the fields of nursing, health, occupational therapy, physical therapy and patient care from 1981. Includes the option "citation search".
Access to CINAHL Complete
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Inspiration
Subject Headings - Alphabetical listContact: Charlotte Qvist, char@via.dk
Cochrane Library
Consists of monthly updated evidence-based databases, including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, which offers quality based and reliable information about the effects of treatment and care.
The database is aimed at practitioners, researchers, educators who organize, manage and provide care and treatment.Contact: Charlotte Qvist, char@via.dk
Collins dictionary
Free access to many languages including German - English, English - German, English - Spanish and Spanish - English. See the the dictionary for more languages.
Communication & Mass Media Complete
Article database within communication and mass media.
Access to Communication & Mass Media Complete
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Contact: Gitte Jensen, gj@via.dk
Danish regions environment and resources
The Centre maintains the interests of the Danish regions on soil and groundwater policy as well as gathers, analyses, and disseminates knowledge on soil and groundwater contamination.
Under “Releases” you can find the LIX database containing articles, lecture materials, reports, etc. on soil and groundwater pollution and raw materials. Under “Tools” you can find a pesticide database and a remediation catalogue.
Note that some of the information is only in Danish.
Portal in Danish containing knowledge of previously constructional conditions in Denmark.
Especially focus on apartment houses from 1850 to 2000.
Directive on machinery
In the directive on machinery 2006/42/EC you can find rules for health and safety requirements in Europe. You will also find the guide for application.
DS Distribute
Access to 300-400 standards and Eurocodes online.
Access to DS Distribute
Only access at Campus Horsens, Campus Holstebro, Campus Randers og Campus Aarhus C and for 25 users at the same time. -
You can perform simultaneous searches in a number (or all) of the Ebsco databases VIA provides access to. This might be relevant if:
- your topic is too narrow and literature on the topic is limited
- if your topic is interdisciplinary and you wish to find sources from various fields
- if you wish to examine which Ebsco databases contain the largest amount of articles about your topic
This last point is possible under “Refine Search”/”Database” when you have performed a search.
A database thesaurus is a list of controlled subject headings. You cannot apply the thesauri across the Ebsco databases as these belong to/concern the individual Ebsco databases.
Refrain from applying “Limit to” when searching across the databases (with the exception of year and language) as the individual databases do not index the posts the same way nor are they equally detailed. For example, some databases do not register ”peer reviewed” or “geography” and applying these limitations would therefore needlessly exclude many results.
Access to EBSCO
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address. -
Ebsco e-book Academic Collection
The Ebsco eBook Academic Collection provides access to approximately 170,000 e-books, primarily in English. The database contains e-books on many topics. It mainly contains scholarly literature.
You can search in the full text of the books.Access to Ebsco eBook Academic Collection
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Guide
Contact: Anja Egedius Sørensen, aes@via.dk -
Ecolabelling Denmark
The two officially approved ecolabels in Denmark: The Nordic Ecolabel and the European Ecolabel.
Education Counts
Embase is considered an important supplement to PubMed/Medline although there is considerable overlap between the two databases.
Embase includes more than 28 million articles from more than 8,400 journals and includes more references to European and third world literature than PubMed in general. PubMed indexes 1,877 European journals, but Embase indexes 2,450 and it moreover includes far more literature on pharmacology.
Access to Embase
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Contact: Jesper Dalhoff, jdal@via.dk
Emerald Insight
The library has access to the two collections (Title list for Business, management & Strategy) (Title list for Operations, Logistics and Quality) containing approximately 70 full text journals
Access to Emerald Insight
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address. -
EPD Databasen
An EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) documents the environmental properties of a building material and is developed in accordance with recognized European and international standards. All EPDs are developed in accordance with EN 15804 and are verified by an independent third party verifier.
EPPI Centre (The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and co-ordinating centre)
The purpose of the EPPI Centre is to provide politicians and professionals with solid evidence within the area of education. The EPPI Centre covers two fields:
- Systematic reviews: Develop methods for systematic reviews, perform reviews and support others in performing reviews.
- Application of research: How can research be used or not used in decisions in practice and in political decision-making. Offers support for use in research.
The EPPI Centre has i.a. developed the English EPPI research assessment system.
The EPPI Centre is part of Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London.
ERIC (Education Resource Information Center) is the most comprehensive and internationally acknowledge database within the paedagogical field. The database offers extensive coverage of the subject. Among important areas are didactics and paedagogical research, formation of children and adolescents, education, specialist education, adult education and research within education as well as affiliated areas such as sociology, medicine, nursing, physiology, nutrition, psychiatry and anthropology. ERIC refers to more than 1.4 million bibliographical entries (dated back to 1966) of which VIA has access to large amounts of full text.
ERIC is sponsored by U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES).
Access to ERIC
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Contact: Lene Nørskov Lange, lnla@via.dk
International patent database from The European Patent Office. Contains more than 80 million patent documents - primarily patent applications. Many of the patent documents are available in full text as a PDF file (use the link "Original Document").
Use Smart Search to search in titles, abstracts, inventors, applicants, years and patent numbers.
Essential Science Indicators
Essential Science Indicator provides opportunity to find top researchers, the most important institutions, journals and countries within 22 research areas according to number of citations in articles indexed in journals in Web of Science Core Collection. Data cover a 10-year period although Hot papers are only calculated within the last two years. The database is useful for assessment of applicants, collaborators, reviewers and peers.
Access to Essential Science Indicator
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Contact: Gudrun Hansen, guha@via.dk
ETA Danmark
Issues national approvals for construction products.
EUR-Lex provides free access to EU legislation of 1951 and other public documents. Online access to Official Journal of the European online.
The official gateway to European statistics. The data will be supplied by each country's statistical agencies, after which they are collected in tables. By each topic statistics can be found from different countries, and can be used for comparison.
Index of Danish Furniture from the 20th and 21st century created by Design Museum Denmark. Contains information and pictures of more than 10.000 furniture. It is possible to search for designer, model, function and period. Det er muligt blandt andet at søge på designer, model, funktion og periode.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar makes it possible to search for scientific literature beyond publishers and licenses. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scientific organizations. By using GS instead of Google you will get a much better result in your search when looking for scientific literature. You can activate library access links under the settings icon for direct access to full texts accessible through VIA.
Contact: Ulla Buch Nilson, ulb@via.dk
Article database which covers all aspects of human influence to the environment. It covers subject such as global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
Access to GreenFile
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address. -
IEEE Explore
IEEE Xplore digital library covers conference publications, journals and magazines & IEEE standards. It contains more than 3 million documents. The content in IEEE Xplore comprises over 160 journals, over 1,200 conference proceedings, more than 3,800 technical standards, over 1,000 eBooks and over 300 educational courses. And contains publications and standards within the field of electrical engineering, computer science and electronics. IEEE covers the period from 1872 up to now.
Access to IEEE Xplore
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address. -
InterActive terminology for Europe
The European Union's term database, which translates into many different languages. Possible to combine to and from languages from all containing languages.
International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world
Journal Citation Reports
Journal Citation Reports allows you to find journals with great impact measured by quotations received. It is possible to compare more than 26,600 journals based on different metrics, i.a. the known Journal Impact Factor (JIF), both a 2-year and 5-year JIF, but also other metrics, e.g. Journal Citation Indicator (JCI). JCI can be used to evaluate journals within a specific subject area. JCI measures the expected citations for a document of the same age (year), type and subject category, where the value 1 is normal and a value above 1 means that the document has received more citations than expected.
The database covers journals within Science, Social Sciences, and Arts & Humanities; however, it is not possible to have the Journal Impact Factor stated for journals within Arts & Humanities. You can search by title, ISSN, subject category and keyword. In addition, you can browse for journals and then use different filters, such as subject category, publisher, country/region, open access. It will soon be possible to browse by subject category, publisher and country.
Access to Journal Citation Reports
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Contact: Gudrun Hansen, guha@via.dk
JSTOR Archive Arts & Science lV, Vll og Xll
JSTOR is a full-text database consisting of more packages. VIA Library has bought access to large parts of JSTOR, both Archive packages and access to eight journals where access also covers regular journals. JSTOR is characterised by indexing journals back to start of the journal. VIA Library has access to JSTOR Archive Arts & Science IV, VII and XII.
Arts & Sciences Archive IV focuses on business, paedagogics and law but also includes titles in psychology, public policy and administration.See a title list here.
Arts & Sciences VII covers subjects such as art, art history, humanities, social sciences including history, political science, sociology, language, literature and health policy subjects. See list of titles here.
Arts & Sciences XII includes also social science articles including titles in law, political science, paedagogics, criminology, social work, psychology and sociology. Moreover, the package covers articles in African studies, Asian studies and Middle-eastern studies. See a title list here.
Access to JSTOR Archive Arts & Science lV, Vll og Xll
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Contact: Dorthe Brauner Sejersen, dobs@via.dk
Kunstindeks Danmark and Weilbachs Kunstnerleksikon
Access to Kunstindeks Danmark, where you can find artists and artworks in Danish state-owned and state-subsidised museums.
Access to Weilbachs, the digital version of the printed encyclopaedia of Danish artists and architects.Access to Kunstindeks Danmark and Weilbachs Kunstnerleksikon
MarketLine Advantage
Market Line is an international business database, where it is possible to find:
- Over 30,000 company profiles often with background description, SWOT analysis and competitors.
- More than 10,000 industry profiles at country level, unified Europe or globally.
- Country profiles with comprehensive description of each country, including PESTLE analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental)
- Selected case studies
- Statistics on countries and markets
Access to MarketLine Advantage
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address. -
Materials Science Collection
The Materials Science Collection contains journal articles related to materials science and all bibliographic records from the Materials Research Database, the leading global database in materials science. The database covers from 1965 onwards.
Access to Materials Science Collection
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address. -
By National Library of Medicine, USA.
MEDLINE includes authoritative medical information within medicine, nursing, nutrition, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, biomedicine, healthcare systems, preclinical sciences and much more.
MEDLINE uses MeSH indexing to retrieve articles in more than 5600 biomedical journals. MEDLINE can also be searched through PubMed.
The difference between searching MEDLINE through PubMed or MEDLINE through EBSCO is whether your search words are automatically transformed into MeSH terms. This is the case in PubMed but not in MEDLINE through EBSCO. Moreover, searching MEDLINE through PubMed automatically explodes MeSH terms; this is not the case when searching MEDLINE through EBSCO where you have to choose the underlying concepts yourself.
There are more searchable references in the free PubMed interface compared with MEDLINE, e.g. articles ahead of print.
Access to Medline
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address. -
Mendeley makes it easy for you to collect and store your references at one click. All you need is to register as a user at mendeley.com and install a few plugins at your Mac/PC, then you are ready to use Mendeley as an easy and fast reference management programme.
Mendeley has created a new reference manager with a plugin for Word called Mendeley Cite. Mendeley Desktop will no longer be available for download from 1st September 2022. As you have Mendeley Desktop installed you will still be able to sign in and use it as normal after this date. With time Mendeley Reference Manager will replace Mendeley Desktop.
Mendeley is an English-language source and developed by mendeley Ltd. And Elsevier.
Free access to Mendeley
Your account is automatically upgraded to a license version when logging in to Mendeley.com on VIA addresses.Videos and tutorials
Contact: Sine Kusk Clausen, skc@via.dk -
English - English dictionary which tells about the word's use, origin, synonyms, antonyms, related words and more.
Ministry of Children and Education
Information about the Danish Education System including the public school system (the Folkeskole) which covers both primary and lower education.
Molio anvisninger
Molio's description tool and Basic Descriptions. Formerly known as Bips.
Access to Molio anvisninger (Access from Campus Horsens, Campus Aarhus C, Campus Randers and Campus Holstebro)
The first time you log in, you need to enter your email and create a password. You will then be presented with a new page where you must enter your first name, last name, e-mail, phone number and position. You must be on one of VIA's addresses to create a login – it is not possible to create a login via VPN.
Molio IKT
Molio's tools regarding Agreement and Communication, CAD/building model.
Access to Molio ICT (Access from Campus Horsens, Campus Aarhus C, Campus Randers and Campus Holstebro)
If you have a login for Molio anvisninger you can use the same password for Molio ICT.
The first time you log in, you need to enter your email and create a password. You will then be presented with a new page where you must enter your first name, last name, e-mail, phone number and position. You must be on one of VIA's addresses to create a login – it is not possible to create a login via VPN.
Molio pricebooks
Molio pricebooks is an online database with access to prices for building parts, house building, operation of building. The price books are updated yearly.
The interface is only in Danish.Access
From spring 2022 you need to install “Sigma Browser” to access the newest price databases. If you have used Sigma/price databases before skip step 1.- Get a login by register you with mail and VIA mail here
- Download the Sigma Browser. Double-click on the file to start the installation
- Accept the licensing conditions
- Follow the guide to finish the installation
- When you have installed Sigma Browser the newest pricedata will appear.
If you have questions please contact: bibhorsens@via.dk
References to articles from 1172 Norwegian and Nordic journals and yearbooks with an emphasis on the period 1980-2020. For some journals earlier volumes are indexed and articles from 2021-22 are also available. Norart is no longer updated.
List of journals and yearbooks indexed in Norart: Journal list
Norart is a partial database of the Norwegian National Bibliography
Access to Norart
Contact: Anne-Vibe Sellner, avse@via.dk -
OECD Library
Open Access to all data, reports and analysis.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) We work closely with policy makers, stakeholders and citizens to establish evidence-based international standards and to find solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges
Health labelling for textiles. Information about how to get the label and products who have the label. Only in Danish.
Orbis is a company database containing information on 220 million private companies worldwide, among these 900,000 Danish companies. Information about the companies include financial accounts, credit scores from a number of independent providers, directorships, ownership structures, and details of mergers and acquisitions activity.
Contact: Stine Godsk Skyum, stgs@via.dk
Gyldendal's dictionaries are available via Ordbogen.com. Her kan den downloades til offline brug.
A search is made across all dictionaries and after the search you can choose which reference work you want to use.
An overview of all dictionaries can be found at the bottom of the page after the search.
The following dictionaries are available:
- English-Danish and Danish-English (Including the professional publications Legal dictionary, Technical dictionary, and Medical / Dental dictionary - all Danish / English and English / Danish)
- Clinical dictionary
- Danish / Arabic - Arabic / Danish dictionary
Access to Ordbogen.com
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address. -
Market Database containing analytics and statistics:
- Industry reports for various products and services containing the information on market shares and size, estimates of future development, distribution patterns
- Consumption behaviour and trends
- Country reports including facts, analysis on economics, business, society and energy, import / export
Passport is published by: Euromonitor
Access to Passport (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)
Walk-in-use is not allowed.On Passports site you can find manuals and video tutorials, that will guide you on how to use the database
Tutorial Videos
Passport for Academics - Introduction
PEST Analysis
Search Tree
Keyword Searching and Refining Results
DashboardsContact: Stine Godsk Skyum, stgs@via.dk
Database of over 52.000 randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.
Access to PEDro
Contact: Trine Nedergaard Steenholt, trje@via.dk -
Free access to many languages including German - English, English - German, English - Spanish and Spanish - English. See the the dictionary for more languages.
ProQuest Engineering Collection
The ProQuest Engineering Collection provides access to articles, figures and tables in the articles and all bibliographic records from the Engineering Research Database. This contains world literature on technology and engineering dating back to 1966.
Access to ProQuest Engineering Collection
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address. -
Public Administration Abstracts
Public Administration Abstracts is a database indexing books and articles within important areas of public administration, theories in public administration, political analyses, implementation and evaluation in the field. The database has more than 93,000 units indexed.
Access to Public Administration Abstracts
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Contact: Tine Bech, tbec@via.dk
Medical database maintained by the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology In-formation), which is part of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). PubMed indexes almost 5,500 journals with a total of more than 34 million articles in medicine, health, nursing, veterinary medicine, etc. The record goes back to the 1950s. From PubMed, there are links to many full text articles.
Access to PubMed
Contact: Karin Hedegaard, khe@via.dk -
Reference management in Word
Word has a simple function to manage your references. Under the tab ”references” you can add your sources and then easily insert references to sources and generate a list of references in your Word documents. The reference management function in Word is developed by Microsoft and can be used at both PC and MAC.
Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Source
The database contains full-text access to over 190 sports and rehabilitation journals. This is a central database for hospital rehabilitation and sports clinicians with a full-text coverage dating back to 1963, and contains the main scientific titles in this discipline.
Access to Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Source
Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.Contact: Mai Aggerbeck, mai@via.dk
Research portal Denmark
The database collect and index data on publications from the local systems of Danish research institutions from 2011 and unward.
Search and use general filters like specific Danish affiliation or publication types
The portal is an initiative to build a comprehensive national research infrastructure, dedicated to:
- Collecting and organising data on Danish research
- Building public user services that facilitate the discovery and exploration of Danish research.
New data and features are added continuously.
Produced by NORA, National Open Research Analytics (financed by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science)
Search articles contained in journals and a collection of ebooks from the publisher Elsevier
Access to ScienceDirect (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)
Contact: Tine Furbo Lind, tifl@via.dk
Scopus is the largest citation database with citations from 1996 and forwards. The bibliographical coverage goes back to the 1870s. The database is produced by Elsevier. The database refers to articles from more than 21,000 titles and 5,000 international publishers. Scopus covers scientific articles, professional periodicals, book series, conference papers, books and patents.
It is possible to make citation analyses on a specific researcher, including a researcher’s h-index both with and without own citations
Access to Scopus (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)
Inspiration: Video Tutorial
Contact: Mai Aggerbeck, mai@via.dk
Social Care Online
The database is free of charge and contains research, legislation and best practice within the social area, social work and social care. Among the focus areas are: Elderly, socially vulnerable, physically and mentally disabled, ethnic minorities, LBGTs and refugees.
The content is primarily focused in the UK (Great Britain) but registries are included for other countries on: Comparative studies in the social area, status of selected areas of intervention as well as literature on conditions not commonly described in the UK.
E-learning material is included.
Published by SCIE (Social Care Institute for Excellence)
Contact: Anne-Vibe Sellner, avse@via.dk
SocINDEX with full text is the most comprehensive and high quality sociology research database. The database contains more than 2.1 million records with subject headings from a sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. The database contains full text for more than 860 journals (dating back to 1908), it also contains full text for more than 830 books and monographs, and full text for over 16,800 conference papers.
Access to SocINDEX (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)
Contact: Signe Nielsen, sini@via.dk
SPORTDiscus with Full Text includes thorough coverage in the subjects most relevant to sports medicine
Access to SPORTDiscus (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)
Contact: Mai Aggerbeck, mai@via.dk
Standards and patents
Danish standards
Danish standard
Catalogue for Danish standards.Danish Standard - Annexes
Current Danish and national annexes and appendixes to Eurocodes.DS Distribute
Access to 300-400 standards and Eurocodes online. Only access at Campus Horsens, Campus Holstebro and Campus Aarhus C for 25 users at the same time.International standards
Beuth Verlag - DIN standards
Homepage and catalogue for DIN standards – german standardsEuropean Committee for Standardization
Homepage and catalogues for european standards and technical specifications.IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
Homepage and catalogue for IEC international standards for alle electronic and related technologies.i2i Standards Database
Global bibliographic standard database. Click on the menu login to search. Access from VIA addresses.ISO - International Organization for Standardization
Homepage and catalogue for international standards.Nordic Innovation
Promotes cross-border trade and innovation.Patents
International patent database from The European Patent Office. Contains more than 80 million patent documents - primarily patent applications. Many of the patent documents are available in full text as a PDF file (use the link "Original Document").
Use Smart Search to search in titles, abstracts, inventors, applicants, years and patent numbers.
The Danish Patent and Trademark Office
Information from the Danish Patent Office on patents, utility models, trademarks and design protection. Find out what the different terms mean, how they work in practice and how to apply for protection of your ideas. -
Statistics Denmark
Official gateway to statistics about Denmark and the Danes.
- Prepared tables
- StatBank Denmark: Find data and make your own tables
- Publications with statistics and analysis/description of the figures.
SwePub is a Swedish database that allows you to search research publications from a wide range of Swedish universities and colleges.
It contains references to peer-reviewed research articles, popular articles and research papers. Search language is Swedish or English. The base contains a number of links to full text articles and dissertations.
Teacher Reference Center
Teacher Reference Center indexes more than 280 of the most important journals in education, educational research, curriculum development, language, science, math, etc. The majority (96%) of the journals are peer-reviewed.
Access to Teacher Reference Center (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)
Contact: Gitte Jensen, gj@via.dk
The Central Business Register
The Central Business Register provides information on all businesses in Denmark. Some of the data are available for free and others are payment information.
The Centre for Youth Research (CeFU)
The Danish Centre for Youth Research (CeFU) focuses on the changes that are profoundly affecting the world of youth and most areas of life including participation in institutions, democratic organizations and the labour market. The ambition of CeFU is to understand these changes and how they affect the youth today.
The Danish Construction agency
Employers’ organisation within construction. Information about the agency, work in Denmark and import to Denmark.
Access to The Danish Construction Agency
We no longer have login to The Danish Construction agency. It is possible to have their standard documents (in Danish) sent by e-mail. Send an e-mail from your VIA mail with the name of the documents you want to skc@via.dk or bibhorsens@via.dk.
Documents and forms may only be used for educational purposes. They may not be used in connection with construction matters.
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency administers laws, executive orders and EU legislation, with environmental protection, chemicals and products, waste management and contaminated soil.
EPA reports in Danish and English
The EU Ecolabel
EU homepage about ecolabels. Products with the ecolabel and criteria for receiving the ecolabel.
The international HTA database
The international HTA database provides free access to bibliographic information about ongoing and published health technology assessments commissioned or undertaken by HTA organisations internationally. This includes INAHTA members and non-INAHTA members. The database provides a single point of access to information that would otherwise be more difficult and time-consuming to search for on individual agency websites.
The National Center for Reading
The National Centre for Reading collaborates with teachers and others about literacy for the benefit of the individual and society. The Centre is working towards a society where everyone has proper and sufficient literacy abilities.
The Trade Council
The Trade Council is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and provides advisory services to private enterprises. At the websites there are market information including analyzes of export markets and emerging market strategies.
Træinfo contain a large amount of knowledge about wood, wooden structures, facade elements, skeleton houses, rafters, etc. You will find WOOD handbooks, WOOD facts, as well as "Calculation of wooden structures" and "Calculation of connections".
Access from Campus Horsens, Campus Holstebro, Campus Randers and Campus Aarhus C (Remote access via VPN)
UC Viden
National UC Viden portal
In UC Viden, you find publications, research and development projects, conference papers, presentations, educational programmes and consultant activities from all the University Colleges in Denmark.Portal for final student projects from all University Colleges in Denmark. As an employee and student at VIA University College you can login with WAYF, and use your VIA mail and password to gain access to all visible student projects. The projects are stored 5 years back, and only the projects with an accessible file are available.
Ulrichs Web
Ulrichs Web is a register with detailed information on more than 300,000 journals and series of all types both scientific and popular science. The register includes information on where a specific journal is indexed i.e. which databases index a specific journal. Moreover, the database includes newspapers and newsletters. Search facilities are good and searches can be refined to e.g. peer reviewed titles and open access titles.
Access to Ulrichs Web (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)
Contact: Signe Nielsen, sini@via.dk
Videncenter for Cirkulær Økonomi i Byggeriet
Videncenter for Cirkulær Økonomi i Byggeriet - VCØB - collects, develops and disseminates unbiased and concrete knowledge about circular economy in the construction industry. At VCØB, you as a building owner, contractor, craftsman, consultant, architect, manufacturer or municipality can get free guidance on circular economy in construction - including handling of construction and construction waste, environmentally hazardous substances and the possibilities for reuse and recycling.
Visible Body
Visible Body is a digital anatomical and physiological atlas in 3D format.
The 3D format works for both Windows, Mac and mobile devices. The atlas consists of the modules:- Visible Body Human Anatomy Atlas 2020
- Visible Body Physiology & Pathology 2020
- Visible Body Muscle Premium
- Visible Body Anatomy & Function
Visible Body provides the opportunity to work in details with the body, skeleton, tendons, muscles, etc. You get names, definitions and pronunciations on all parts. You can turn, rotate, add and subtract.
Access to Visible Body (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)
VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science research
VIVE is a merger between SFI – The Danish National Centre for Social Research and KORA, the Danish Institute for Local and Regional Government Research. VIVE is an independent analysis and research centre working within all major welfare fields.
Web of Science Core Collection
Web of Science Core Collection is a highly acknowledged citation database, indexing the most influential journals and conferences in all professional areas. Web of Science Core Collection is the citation database that goes furthest back in time. It is produced by Clarivate Analytics.
You can choose to search the entire Web of Science Core Collection or delimit the search to individual databases such as:
- Science Citation Index Expanded 1900-
- Social Sciences Citation Index 1956-
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index1975-
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science 1990-
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities -1990
- Emerging Sources Citation Index- 2005-
It is possible to search for subjects, authors and institutions and it is possible to search the impact of a specific article, author or institution measures by number of citations. It is in this way possible to use a citation analysis of a specific researcher to calculate a reseacher’s h-index.
Access to Web of Science Core Collection (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)
Contact: Gudrun Hansen, guha@via.dk
What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)
The purpose of What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) is to contribute with information to decision-makers in the field of education – both researchers, educators and politicians. This is done by identifying studies providing valid documentation of the effect of a certain practice, programme or intervention. Offers possible answers to ”what works in education” by focusing on high-quality research.
WWC was established in 2002 by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences.
Zotero is a reference management programme free of charge, which makes it easy for you to refer to your sources. You can also use Zotero to generate reference lists and make a library of all your references. If you do an assignment or project with others, you can also make a group where you share your references.
Zotero is developed by The Roy Rosenweig Center for History and New Media.
Contact: Birgit Truelsen Larsen, bitl@via.dk