What you should know about copyright - pamphlet - February 2021.

Generally, the originator of the work has copyright. A work is e.g.:

• Pictures
• Film
• Music
• Text and other materials.

This means that the photographer, the director, the author etc. has the right to make money on use of his/her work. This is called economic rights.

The originator also possesses what is called ideal rights. First of all, he/she has the right to be mentioned – also called credited - by name in connection with the legal use of his/her work. Secondly, he/she can oppose to the use of or changes to the work which he/she finds offensive.

Overall, the consent of the originator is needed if you wish to use a work you have not created yourself. This applies in connection with e.g. photocopying, scanning, sharing, sending, changing or reproducing a work.

VIA has made agreements with different organizations; this means you do not have to contact the originator to ask for consent every time you wish to use a work.

VIA has agreements with KODA (music), Gramex (performing artists and record companies) and Copydan (text, pictures and audiovisual media).

Copyright can seem difficult. However, the reason for protecting a work is that you ensure a constant incentive in society to create new works. If there was no specific protection for the originator’s work, he/she would lose the exclusive right to make money on the work and to decide how to exploit the work. Thus, there are some cultural interests worth maintaining behind the copyright issue.