This site presents relevant resources in the field of your education.

Social work and administration

  • Public Administration Abstracts

    Public Administration Abstracts is a database indexing books and articles within important areas of public administration, theories in public administration, political analyses, implementation and evaluation in the field. The database has more than 93,000 units indexed.

    Access to Public Administration Abstracts
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

    Contact: Tine Bech, 

  • Social Care Online

    The database is free of charge and contains research, legislation and best practice within the social area, social work and social care. Among the focus areas are: Elderly, socially vulnerable, physically and mentally disabled, ethnic minorities, LBGTs and refugees.

    The content is primarily focused in the UK (Great Britain) but registries are included for other countries on: Comparative studies in the social area, status of selected areas of intervention as well as literature on conditions not commonly described in the UK.

    E-learning material is included.

    Published by SCIE (Social Care Institute for Excellence)

    Access to Social Care Online

    Contact: Anne-Vibe Sellner, 

  • SocINDEX

    SocINDEX with full text is the most comprehensive and high quality sociology research database. The database contains more than 2.1 million records with subject headings from a sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. The database contains full text for more than 860 journals (dating back to 1908), it also contains full text for more than 830 books and monographs, and full text for over 16,800 conference papers.

    Access to SocINDEX (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)

    Contact: Signe Nielsen, 

  • VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science research

    VIVE is a merger between SFI – The Danish National Centre for Social Research and KORA, the Danish Institute for Local and Regional Government Research​. VIVE is an independent analysis and research centre working within all major welfare fields.

    Access to VIVE