This site presents relevant resources in the field of your education.

  • AMED

    AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine Database) is an alternative medical data with regard to approx. Contains 600 journals (dating back to 1995) in alternative treatment incl. complementary medicine, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, occupational therapy, palliative care, foot care, etc. Contains some qualitative studies. Many of the journals are indexed in AMED, is not available through other databases. It's primarily English-language articles concerning european conditions.

    Access to AMED
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

    Contact: Tine Furbo Lind, 

  • APA PsycINFO

    APA PsycINFO is a database covering psychology, and the psychological aspects of related fields such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, anthropology and economy. Journal coverage, which spans the 1887 to the present, includes international material selected from 2,500 periodicals and you are searching in 4 million bibliographic records. 99% of the articles are peer-reviewed. APA PsycINFO contains citations and abstracts of journal articles, book chapters, technical reports and dissertations.

    Access to APA PsycINFO
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

    Contact: Maria Viftrup Schneider, 

  • CINAHL Complete

    CINAHL Complete (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature) contains more than 7 million articles, books, dissertations and proceedings for more than 5,600 journals covering the fields of nursing, health, occupational therapy, physical therapy and patient care from 1981. Includes the option "citation search".

    Access to CINAHL Complete
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

    Subject Headings - Alphabetical list

    Contact: Charlotte Qvist, 

  • Cochrane Library

    Consists of monthly updated evidence-based databases, including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, which offers quality based and reliable information about the effects of treatment and care.
    The database is aimed at practitioners, researchers, educators who organize, manage and provide care and treatment.

    Access to Cochrane Library

    Contact: Charlotte Qvist, 

  • Embase

    Embase is considered an important supplement to PubMed/Medline although there is considerable overlap between the two databases.

    Embase includes more than 28 million articles from more than 8,400 journals and includes more references to European and third world literature than PubMed in general. PubMed indexes 1,877 European journals, but Embase indexes 2,450 and it moreover includes far more literature on pharmacology.

    Access to Embase
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

    Contact: Jesper Dalhoff, 

  • PEDro

    Database of over 52.000 randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.

    Access to PEDro

    Contact: Trine Nedergaard Steenholt, 

  • PubMed

    Medical database maintained by the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology In-formation), which is part of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). PubMed indexes almost 5,500 journals with a total of more than 34 million articles in medicine, health, nursing, veterinary medicine, etc. The record goes back to the 1950s. From PubMed, there are links to many full text articles.

    Access to PubMed

    Contact: Karin Hedegaard, 

  • Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Source

    The database contains full-text access to over 190 sports and rehabilitation journals. This is a central database for hospital rehabilitation and sports clinicians with a full-text coverage dating back to 1963, and contains the main scientific titles in this discipline.

    Access to Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Source
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

    Contact: Mai Aggerbeck, 

  • Scopus

    Scopus is the largest citation database with citations from 1996 and forwards. The bibliographical coverage goes back to the 1870s. The database is produced by Elsevier. The database refers to articles from more than 21,000 titles and 5,000 international publishers. Scopus covers scientific articles, professional periodicals, book series, conference papers, books and patents.

    It is possible to make citation analyses on a specific researcher, including a researcher’s h-index both with and without own citations

    Access to Scopus (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)

    Inspiration: Video Tutorial

    Contact: Mai Aggerbeck, 

  • Visible Body

    Visible Body is a digital anatomical and physiological atlas in 3D format.
    The 3D format works for both Windows, Mac and mobile devices. The atlas consists of the modules:

    • Visible Body Human Anatomy Atlas 2020
    • Visible Body Physiology & Pathology 2020
    • Visible Body Muscle Premium
    • Visible Body Anatomy & Function

    Visible Body provides the opportunity to work in details with the body, skeleton, tendons, muscles, etc. You get names, definitions and pronunciations on all parts. You can turn, rotate, add and subtract.

    Access to Visible Body (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)