
  • Academic Search Premier

    Large interdisciplinary article database with access to more than 4.600 journals, many in full text.

    Access to Academic Search Premier
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.


    National database with materials from Danish research and public libraries.

    Access to

    Contact: Signe Nielsen, 


    You can perform simultaneous searches in a number (or all) of the Ebsco databases VIA provides access to. This might be relevant if:

    • your topic is too narrow and literature on the topic is limited
    • if your topic is interdisciplinary and you wish to find sources from various fields
    • if you wish to examine which Ebsco databases contain the largest amount of articles about your topic

    This last point is possible under “Refine Search”/”Database” when you have performed a search.

    A database thesaurus is a list of controlled subject headings. You cannot apply the thesauri across the Ebsco databases as these belong to/concern the individual Ebsco databases.

    Refrain from applying “Limit to” when searching across the databases (with the exception of year and language) as the individual databases do not index the posts the same way nor are they equally detailed. For example, some databases do not register ”peer reviewed” or “geography” and applying these limitations would therefore needlessly exclude many results.

    Access to EBSCO
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

  • Ebsco e-book Academic Collection

    The Ebsco eBook Academic Collection provides access to approximately 170,000 e-books, primarily in English. The database contains e-books on many topics. It mainly contains scholarly literature.

    You can search in the full text of the books.

    Access to Ebsco eBook Academic Collection
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.


    Contact: Anja Egedius Sørensen, 

  • Essential Science Indicators

    Essential Science Indicator provides opportunity to find top researchers, the most important institutions, journals and countries within 22 research areas according to number of citations in articles indexed in journals in Web of Science Core Collection. Data cover a 10-year period although Hot papers are only calculated within the last two years. The database is useful for assessment of applicants, collaborators, reviewers and peers.

    Access to Essential Science Indicator
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

    Contact: Gudrun Hansen, 

  • EUR-lex

    EUR-Lex provides free access to EU legislation of 1951 and other public documents. Online access to Official Journal of the European online.

    Access to EUR-lex

  • Eurostat

    The official gateway to European statistics. The data will be supplied by each country's statistical agencies, after which they are collected in tables. By each topic statistics can be found from different countries, and can be used for comparison.

    Access to Eurostat

  • Google Scholar

    Google Scholar makes it possible to search for scientific literature beyond publishers and licenses. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scientific organizations. By using GS instead of Google you will get a much better result in your search when looking for scientific literature. You can activate library access links under the settings icon for direct access to full texts accessible through VIA.

    Access to Google Scholar

    Contact: Ulla Buch Nilson, 

  • Journal Citation Reports

    Journal Citation Reports allows you to find journals with great impact measured by quotations received. It is possible to compare more than 26,600 journals based on different metrics, i.a. the known Journal Impact Factor (JIF), both a 2-year and 5-year JIF, but also other metrics, e.g. Journal Citation Indicator (JCI). JCI can be used to evaluate journals within a specific subject area. JCI measures the expected citations for a document of the same age (year), type and subject category, where the value 1 is normal and a value above 1 means that the document has received more citations than expected.

    The database covers journals within Science, Social Sciences, and Arts & Humanities; however, it is not possible to have the Journal Impact Factor stated for journals within Arts & Humanities. You can search by title, ISSN, subject category and keyword. In addition, you can browse for journals and then use different filters, such as subject category, publisher, country/region, open access. It will soon be possible to browse by subject category, publisher and country.

    Access to Journal Citation Reports
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

    Contact: Gudrun Hansen, 

  • JSTOR Archive Arts & Science lV, Vll og Xll

    JSTOR is a full-text database consisting of more packages. VIA Library has bought access to large parts of JSTOR, both Archive packages and access to eight journals where access also covers regular journals. JSTOR is characterised by indexing journals back to start of the journal. VIA Library has access to JSTOR Archive Arts & Science IV, VII and XII.

    Arts & Sciences Archive IV focuses on business, paedagogics and law but also includes titles in psychology, public policy and administration.See a title list here.

    Arts & Sciences VII covers subjects such as art, art history, humanities, social sciences including history, political science, sociology, language, literature and health policy subjects. See list of titles here.

    Arts & Sciences XII includes also social science articles including titles in law, political science, paedagogics, criminology, social work, psychology and sociology. Moreover, the package covers articles in African studies, Asian studies and Middle-eastern studies. See a title list here.

    Access to JSTOR Archive Arts & Science lV, Vll og Xll
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

    Contact: Dorthe Brauner Sejersen, 

  • Norart

    References to articles from 1172 Norwegian and Nordic journals and yearbooks with an emphasis on the period 1980-2020. For some journals earlier volumes are indexed and articles from 2021-22 are also available. Norart is no longer updated.

    List of journals and yearbooks indexed in Norart: Journal list

    Norart is a partial database of the Norwegian National Bibliography

    Access to Norart

    Contact: Anne-Vibe Sellner, 

  • OECD Library

    Open Access to all data, reports and analysis.

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)  We work closely with policy makers, stakeholders and citizens to establish evidence-based international standards and to find solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges

    Free access to OECD Library

  • Research portal Denmark

    The database collect and index data on publications from the local systems of Danish research institutions from 2011 and unward.

    Search and use general filters like specific Danish affiliation or publication types

    The portal is an initiative to build a comprehensive national research infrastructure, dedicated to:

    • Collecting and organising data on Danish research
    • Building public user services that facilitate the discovery and exploration of Danish research.

    New data and features are added continuously.

    Produced by NORA, National Open Research Analytics (financed by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science)

    Access to Research portal Denmark

  • ScienceDirect

    Search articles contained in journals and a collection of ebooks from the publisher Elsevier

    Access to ScienceDirect (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)

    Contact: Tine Furbo Lind, 

  • Scopus

    Scopus is the largest citation database with citations from 1996 and forwards. The bibliographical coverage goes back to the 1870s. The database is produced by Elsevier. The database refers to articles from more than 21,000 titles and 5,000 international publishers. Scopus covers scientific articles, professional periodicals, book series, conference papers, books and patents.

    It is possible to make citation analyses on a specific researcher, including a researcher’s h-index both with and without own citations

    Access to Scopus (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)

    Inspiration: Video Tutorial

    Contact: Mai Aggerbeck, 

  • Statistics Denmark

    Official gateway to statistics about Denmark and the Danes.

    • Prepared tables
    • StatBank Denmark: Find data and make your own tables
    • Publications with statistics and analysis/description of the figures.

    Access to Statistics Denmark

  • SwePub

    SwePub is a Swedish database that allows you to search research publications from a wide range of Swedish universities and colleges.

    It contains references to peer-reviewed research articles, popular articles and research papers. Search language is Swedish or English. The base contains a number of links to full text articles and dissertations.

    Access to SwePub

  • UC Viden

    National UC Viden portal
    In UC Viden, you find publications, research and development projects, conference papers, presentations, educational programmes and consultant activities from all the University Colleges in Denmark.

    Student portal

    Portal for final student projects from all University Colleges in Denmark. As an employee and student at VIA University College you can login with WAYF, and use your VIA mail and password to gain access to all visible student projects. The projects are stored 5 years back, and only the projects with an accessible file are available.

  • Ulrichs Web

    Ulrichs Web is a register with detailed information on more than 300,000 journals and series of all types both scientific and popular science. The register includes information on where a specific journal is indexed i.e. which databases index a specific journal. Moreover, the database includes newspapers and newsletters. Search facilities are good and searches can be refined to e.g. peer reviewed titles and open access titles.

    Access to Ulrichs Web (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)

    Contact: Signe Nielsen, 

  • Web of Science Core Collection

    Web of Science Core Collection is a highly acknowledged citation database, indexing the most influential journals and conferences in all professional areas. Web of Science Core Collection is the citation database that goes furthest back in time. It is produced by Clarivate Analytics.

    You can choose to search the entire Web of Science Core Collection or delimit the search to individual databases such as:

    • Science Citation Index Expanded 1900-
    • Social Sciences Citation Index 1956-
    • Arts & Humanities Citation Index1975-
    • Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science 1990-
    • Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities -1990
    • Emerging Sources Citation Index- 2005-

    It is possible to search for subjects, authors and institutions and it is possible to search the impact of a specific article, author or institution measures by number of citations. It is in this way possible to use a citation analysis of a specific researcher to calculate a reseacher’s h-index.

    Access to Web of Science Core Collection (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)

    Contact: Gudrun Hansen,