This site presents relevant resources in the field of your education.

Standards and patents

  • DS Distribute

    Access to 300-400 standards and Eurocodes online.

    Access to DS Distribute
    Only access at Campus Horsens, Campus Holstebro, Campus Randers og Campus Aarhus C and for 25 users at the same time.

    Remote access via VPN

  • Espacenet

    International patent database from The European Patent Office. Contains more than 80 million patent documents - primarily patent applications. Many of the patent documents are available in full text as a PDF file (use the link "Original Document").

    Use Smart Search to search in titles, abstracts, inventors, applicants, years and patent numbers.

    Access to Espacenet

  • Standards and patents

    Danish standards

    Danish standard
    Catalogue for Danish standards.

    Danish Standard - Annexes
    Current Danish and national annexes and appendixes to Eurocodes.

    DS Distribute
    Access to 300-400 standards and Eurocodes online. Only access at Campus Horsens, Campus Holstebro and Campus Aarhus C for 25 users at the same time.

    International standards

    Beuth Verlag - DIN standards
    Homepage and catalogue for DIN standards – german standards

    European Committee for Standardization
    Homepage and catalogues for european standards and technical specifications.

    IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
    Homepage and catalogue for IEC international standards for alle electronic and related technologies.

    i2i Standards Database
    Global bibliographic standard database. Click on the menu login to search. Access from VIA addresses.

    ISO - International Organization for Standardization
    Homepage and catalogue for international standards.

    Nordic Innovation
    Promotes cross-border trade and innovation.


    International patent database from The European Patent Office. Contains more than 80 million patent documents - primarily patent applications. Many of the patent documents are available in full text as a PDF file (use the link "Original Document").
    Use Smart Search to search in titles, abstracts, inventors, applicants, years and patent numbers.

    The Danish Patent and Trademark Office
    Information from the Danish Patent Office on patents, utility models, trademarks and design protection. Find out what the different terms mean, how they work in practice and how to apply for protection of your ideas.

Search for articles

  • Academic Search Premier

    Large interdisciplinary article database with access to more than 4.600 journals, many in full text.

    Access to Academic Search Premier
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

  • GreenFile

    Article database which covers all aspects of human influence to the environment. It covers subject such as global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.

    Access to GreenFile
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

  • IEEE Explore

    IEEE Xplore digital library covers conference publications, journals and magazines & IEEE standards. It contains more than 3 million documents. The content in IEEE Xplore comprises over 160 journals, over 1,200 conference proceedings, more than 3,800 technical standards, over 1,000 eBooks and over 300 educational courses. And contains publications and standards within the field of electrical engineering, computer science and electronics. IEEE covers the period from 1872 up to now.

    Access to IEEE Xplore
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.


  • Materials Science Collection

    The Materials Science Collection contains journal articles related to materials science and all bibliographic records from the Materials Research Database, the leading global database in materials science. The database covers from 1965 onwards.

    Access to Materials Science Collection
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.


  • ProQuest Engineering Collection

    The ProQuest Engineering Collection provides access to articles, figures and tables in the articles and all bibliographic records from the Engineering Research Database. This contains world literature on technology and engineering dating back to 1966.

    Access to ProQuest Engineering Collection
    Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.


  • ScienceDirect

    Search articles contained in journals and a collection of ebooks from the publisher Elsevier

    Access to ScienceDirect (Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.)

    Contact: Tine Furbo Lind, 



    Online access to SBI-guidelines. Only a few guidelines are translated to english. 

    Login at
    Create an account first time you visit the site.
    Enter your study email (, name, education and completion date, you will then receive a verification code.


    Experiences from the building practice.

    Access to BYG-ERFA
    Access for students and employees at Campus Horsens, Campus Holstebro, Campus Randers and Campus Aarhus C. Access outside VIA: Select VIA University College as your institution. Use your login for MyVIA. Remember to enter the full email address.

  • Danish regions environment and resources

    The Centre maintains the interests of the Danish regions on soil and groundwater policy as well as gathers, analyses, and disseminates knowledge on soil and groundwater contamination.

    Under “Releases” you can find the LIX database containing articles, lecture materials, reports, etc. on soil and groundwater pollution and raw materials. Under “Tools” you can find a pesticide database and a remediation catalogue.

    Note that some of the information is only in Danish.

    Access to Danish regions environment and resources

  • Directive on machinery

    In the directive on machinery 2006/42/EC you can find rules for health and safety requirements in Europe. You will also find the guide for application.

    Access to Directive of machinery

  • EPD Databasen

    An EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) documents the environmental properties of a building material and is developed in accordance with recognized European and international standards. All EPDs are developed in accordance with EN 15804 and are verified by an independent third party verifier.

    Access to EPD Database

  • ETA Danmark

    Issues national approvals for construction products.

    Access to ETA Danmark

  • Molio pricebooks

    Molio pricebooks is an online database with access to prices for building parts, house building, operation of building. The price books are updated yearly.
    The interface is only in Danish.

    From spring 2022 you need to install “Sigma Browser” to access the newest price databases. If you have used Sigma/price databases before skip step 1.

    1. Get a login by register you with mail and VIA mail here
    2. Download the Sigma Browser. Double-click on the file to start the installation
    3. Accept the licensing conditions
    4. Follow the guide to finish the installation
    5. When you have installed Sigma Browser the newest pricedata will appear.

    If you have questions please contact: 

  • The Danish Construction agency

    Employers’ organisation within construction. Information about the agency, work in Denmark and import to Denmark.

    Access to The Danish Construction Agency

    We no longer have login to The Danish Construction agency. It is possible to have their standard documents (in Danish) sent by e-mail. Send an e-mail from your VIA mail with the name of the documents you want to or

    Documents and forms may only be used for educational purposes. They may not be used in connection with construction matters.

  • The Danish Environmental Protection Agency

    The Danish Environmental Protection Agency administers laws, executive orders and EU legislation, with environmental protection, chemicals and products, waste management and contaminated soil.

    EPA reports in Danish and English

    Access to The Danish Environmental Protection Agency